Your private IP address (also known as internal IP, intranet IP, or local IP) is the IP address that identifies your device on your local network (LAN). This address is not used on the Internet and, as a rule, is not transmitted outside of your LAN.
However, even if this IP address should remain private, there are some techniques allowing remote webpages to find your private IP address. For example, this webpage uses WebRTC to open a peer-to-peer connection and extract your private IP address. This does not work in all browsers, as some do not support WebRTC, and some care about the users’ safety. In any case, you should be happy if your private IP cannot be detected.
Your router IP address is the IP address of a device that helps devices on your (internal) network to communicate with devices from another (external) network. By and large, forwarding data packets between networks is the main function of your router, although, most home routers, in addition to it, support various functions such as Firewall, Parental Control, Wireless Access Point, Dynamic Domain Name System, and other useful built-in features.
As a rule, most routers are providing a web interface allowing users to configure the router. And apparently, most users who are trying to find the router IP actually want to find the address where they can configure the router. If you are looking for this too, this tool can help you. Although, most often the router IP address is the same as default gateway. Also, the IP address is specified in the documentation of the router.
If the tool above did not detect your private IP, you can find it manually. Just select your OS and convient way below. Of course, only methods that do not require additional setup or software installation are presented here.
It would seem that the mobile operating system may be scarce in settings, but Android proves the opposite. For example, it supports various ways to find your private IP address.
This is perhaps the most obvious way to find a private IP on Android. But even if many users found it themselves, this does not mean that you do not need to specify it here.
This is most likely one of the fastest ways to find the private IP on Android. The only problem is that not all phones support it (for example, old smartphones or modified firmwares).
Another obvious way to find the private IP on Android, but it is less convenient and not even supported by all smartphones. However, in some cases this may be useful to know.
A rather complicated way to find the private IP on Android, but at the same time is very useful to know because this way you can find out more information about your smartphone. Definitely it will be a favorite way for those who love puzzles and secrets.
on your dialer app.By and large, operating systems of the Linux family are focused on solving technical tasks. And although finding the private IP address is just a grain of sand in the desert, it takes pride of place in this list of tasks. Even if Linux provides a huge number of ways to find out the private IP, I’ll only describe a few of them.
As a Linux user, you have probably already made friends with the terminal and now it’s time to learn how to use it to find your private IP address. The following methods are suitable for most Linux distributions. By the way, to copy something from the console output, highlight text you want to copy and press Ctrl+Shift+C.
hostname -I
and press Enter.ip route get 1
and press Enter.ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}'
command.ip route
has several aliases:
ip r
ip route
ip r list
ip route list
and press Enter.ifconfig | grep -oP '(?<=inet addr:)\S+(?=.*)'
command.ip addr
and press Enter.ip addr | grep -oP '(?<=inet )[^\s/]+(?=.*)'
command.ip addr
has several aliases:
ip a
ip addr
ip a show
ip address
ip addr show
ip address show
Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system for personal computers, servers, and netbooks. In addition to the console, it provides several additional ways to find your private IP address. Please check the “Console” instructions to get more methods about how to find your private IP, because there are only a few ways specific to Ubuntu.
macOS has an excellent reputation among designers, but this does not mean that Apple has forgotten about technical geeks. For example, this operating system provides various ways to find your private IP address.
ipconfig getifaddr en0
and press Enter.route get | awk '/interface/{print $2}'
ipconfig getifaddr $(route get | awk '/interface/{print $2}')
and press Enter.ifconfig | grep -oE 'inet \S+ | awk {print $NF}'
command.Windows is used by a huge number of users and should provide convenient solutions for all kinds of purposes and people. This can be noticed even from the fact that there are several ways and tools to find your private IP address on Windows. Please choose below the method that is most convenient for you.
The Windows Control Panel is a catalog of system tools allowing you to set up your computer as you need. In addition, here you can find many tools that provide technical information about your computer. There are a lot of ways to open Control Panel. For example, here is some of them:
and press Enter.So, let’s find what is your private IP address:
and pressing Enter.The cmd.exe (also known as Windows Command Prompt) is the trusted friend of every advanced user. It helps automate a lot of things, as well as quickly change operating system settings or get various kinds of information about it. Unlike the Control Panel, this is a more universal option, and with the right skill, more convenient.
So let’s try to use CMD to find you private IP address:
and press Enter.for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %i in ('ping -4 -n 1 %ComputerName%') do @echo %i
ipconfig | findstr /R /C:"IPv[46] Address"
command to find all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.ipconfig /all
to display all details about your network connections.netsh interface ip show addresses
netstat -an
nbtstat -S
arp -a
wmic NICConfig
PowerShell is the little brother of CMD. Despite its young age, PowerShell is more powerful, and of course, it is a favorite tool of experienced users and system administrators.
Let’s see how we can use Powershell to find the private IP address:
and press Enter.(ping -n 1 -4 $env:ComputerName)[1] -match "\[(.+)\]" | % {$matches[1]}
(Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:ComputerName -Count 1).IPV4Address.IPAddressToString
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration).IPAddress
ipconfig | Select-String "IPv4.+ (\S+)" | % {$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value}
The Windows System Information is a true treasure trove of technical information about your computer. It contains almost every piece of information about your hardware and software. And as a bonus, you can export all this in a handy format. This is definitely not the fastest way to find an IP, but it would be a pity not to mention it.
Let’s open this cyber chest and find you private IP address:
and press Enter.The Windows Registry is the database where the operating system and most software store their configuration. And of course, it contains information about your private IP address. Although it is not easy to get to it, it can sometimes be useful (especially if you are a developer).
Well then, let’s get ready for click&scroll:
and press Enter.